BOTOX® & Neurotoxin Injectables

Refresh your skin and treat wrinkles and fine lines safely for smooth and fresh natural look.

At Spa Sydell our licensed cosmetic aestheticians have years of experience treating the skin with neuromodulators to improve early aging symptoms little risk and no downtime recovery. We offer a range of injectables, including Botox® Cosmetic, Dysport®, Jeuveau™, and Xeomin®.

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10% off injectables just for members.

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Rejuvenate and fight aging signs safely.

Neurotoxins are best suited for the treatment of the upper face and aging signs commonly known as “dynamic wrinkles.” A comprehensive facial rejuvenation solution will commonly include Neurotoxins along with dermal fillers to address other aging symptoms and provide long lasting health benefits.

Neurotoxin Face Map

About Neurotoxins at Spa Sydell

Immediate, natural and long-lasting results with maximum convenience and safety.

Neurotoxins uses small amounts of botulinum toxin, which serves as a muscle relaxant and temporarily arrests the muscles which cause dynamic wrinkles. As a cosmetic treatment neurotoxins are highly effective in reducing and preventing wrinkles in the upper portion of the face. You will receive your treatment through injections in less than 30 minute with-out downtime or recovery. At Spa Sydell our patients often combine these injectables or additional facial treatments such as dermal fillers, fractional laser or cryolipolysis treatments to maximize their benefits.

All About Botox and Neurotoxins

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All About Botox

Botox has become increasingly popular among people looking to reduce wrinkles and fine lines, and for a smoother, younger-looking complexion. The benefits of Botox include a reduction in wrinkles, lines and folds, a decrease in facial tension, and an overall improvement in skin tone and texture.

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Learn about Neurotoxins

Neurotoxins are popular in med spas and offer many benefits, such as reducing wrinkles, decreasing the appearance of fine lines, and providing a more youthful appearance. They work by temporarily blocking the nerves responsible for muscle contraction and movement, allowing the face to relax, resulting in a smoother and more youthful look.

Neurotoxin Schedule

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10%-20% of Med Spa Services including Injectables

Reduce Signs of Aging Today

Some recipients see immediate results, most will see results in the following days post-procedure. Full results usually can be appreciated within two weeks of treatment and a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance will continue to develop over the next three to six months.

Hear What Our Neurotoxin Injectable Patients Have To Say

Serving the Atlanta area for over 30 years, Spa Sydell has earned the loyalty of its clients through its commitment to their appearance, health and wellbeing.

Neurotoxin Injectables Education Center

Click on commonly asked questions below to learn more about the Neurotoxin process.

How do med spa neurotoxins work?

Neurotoxins, often used in med spa treatments, are a family of proteins that are used to reduce or block the activity of certain muscles in the face resulting in a softened and relaxed appearance of the face, eliminating wrinkles, crow’s feet and other facial lines. Neurotoxins are a safe and effective way to reduce the signs of aging, and can be used to treat a variety of facial concerns. Results can last up to four months, depending on the individual and the type of neurotoxin used.

What results can I expect from med spa neurotoxins?

While some recipients may see immediate results, most will see results in the following days post-procedure. Full results usually can be appreciated within two weeks of treatment. A refreshed and rejuvenated appearance will continue to develop over the next three to four more months and can last up to six months. Periodic follow-ups will be necessary to maintain your results. If you continue with your treatments, you can enjoy long-lasting rejuvenation without having more invasive procedures.

When will I see results from med spa neurotoxins?

Patients can typically see results from med spa neurotoxins soon after the initial treatment. Depending on the type of neurotoxin used, results can be seen in as little as 24 hours, with peak effects appearing between 3-7 days. To maintain the desired results, it is important to have follow-up treatments every 3-4 months.

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Spa Sydell invites you to enjoy a full suite of spa services which will relax and re-energize you, including massages and facials.

To ensure that you always look as good as you feel, Spa Sydell also offers leading cosmetic treatments which include fillers, laser and injectables. Call Spa Sydell at 404-255-7727 to schedule a visit or consultation today.

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What Happens in a Consultation?

  • 01.

    Get to know the Spa Sydell Team

  • 02.

    Help us understand you and your goals.

  • 03.

    Learn about our services and specialties.

  • “I enjoyed my massage service thoroughly, and I will definitely make this a monthly routine.”

  • – Arisma Bacon

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