Microneedling to Improve Skin Appearance and Health

Spa Sydell is a leader in microneedling, cosmetic aesthetics, regenerative and restorative therapies. You can be assured that your skin wellness and care are our top priorities.

  • Microneedling with HA
  • Microneedling with AmnioGlide Placental Serum
  • Microneedling with Radio Frequency

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Microneedling Benefits

The Benefits of Microneedling

Microneedling effectively softens wrinkles and fine lines, collagen alignment and formation. Treatments can also improve surgical, traumatic, and acne scars, reduce unwanted pigment, improve pore size and skin texture, help recover from the appearance of stretch marks, and enhance the effectiveness and penetration of active ingredients in topical preparations.

Microneedling Options for Healthy Skin

Microneedling treatments applied with Spa Sydell’s proprietary serums and recovery products promote the production of rejuvenated cells and optimize results for health and smoother looking skin.

Microneedling with HA

Our Base Microneedling is also known as Collagen Induction Therapy. This therapy triggers a natural skin repair mechanism to create new collagen and elastin, significantly improving the texture and tone of skin.

Microneedling with AmnioGlide Placental Serum

Microneedling AmnioGlide is usually performed in a series of 3-6 Collagen Induction Therapy treatments and uses the highest quality of pharmaceutical grade Hyaluronic Acid and proprietary medical grade AmnioGlide Serum.

Microneedling with Radio Frequency

This minimally-invasive treatment stimulates the natural production of collagen and is shown to be effective in alleviating facial wrinkles, fine lines, and tightening and toning the face and neck.

Improve Skin Appearance and Health

Microneedling (also known as Collagen Induction Therapy or CIT) is an innovative aesthetic treatment for removing fine lines, acne scars and for overall improvement of the skin’s appearance. During the minimally invasive procedure, tiny needles are used to encourage the natural production of collagen and elastin.

Spa Sydell’s proprietary serums and re-covery products are applied and absorbed into the skin during the treatment to promote the production of rejuvenated cells for a revitalized you. Make your appointment today at one of our nearby locations and see the difference microneedling makes for acne scars, scars from an injury, reducing aging symptoms, and improving skin appearance.

Microneedling Schedule

Buy 3 Microneedling Services, Get The 4th One Free!

RF Microneedling $695
($100 Off)

Reduce Signs of Aging Today

Microneedling effectively softens wrinkles and fine lines, resulting in more firm and elastic skin, pores with a smaller appearance, and a more overall uniform complexion.

Hear What Our Microneedling Patients Have To Say

Serving the Atlanta area for over 30 years, Spa Sydell has earned the loyalty of its clients through its commitment to their appearance, health and wellbeing.

"I saw Melissa for micro needling treatment and it was fantastic, I will continue to see Melissaa for all my skin treatments. She is the best and has made my skin look so glowy and healthy! My skin has never looked better. I highly recommend to see Melissa and any of the staff at Spa Sydell in Buckhead. They go above and beyond to listen to your needs/concerns and always answer any questions you have. The facility is very clean and relaxing. I could not have chosen a better place to go."

- Stephanie

"I come and see Nazar for my services. She is very attentive and honest, which I greatly appreciate, especially when it comes to my aesthetic expectations. Highly recommend her for any services whether it be body contouring or facial rejuvenation."

- Butcher's Beat

Microneedling Education Center

Click on commonly asked questions below to learn more about the Microneedling process.

What does it feel like?

There is no discomfort during the microneedling treatment because we use the highest quality, pharmaceutical grade numbing cream.

One of the great things about coming into Spa Sydell for a microneedling treatment is the antioxidants and growth factor serums we have available. Remember, the treatment uses small needles to create micro-channels. Since the needles make the skin more permeable, the aesthetician works these antioxidants and growth factors deep into the skin. This allows for increased collagen production and decreased downtime.

How long does the treatment take?

A single treatment takes about 30 minutes but you will be scheduled for 1 hour. The first 15 minutes will be skin prep and numbing.

What is the downtime?

The inflammatory effect of the skin is extremely short and fades significantly within hours from redness to pinkish that may last for 12 to 48 hours. Redness or sensitivity my possibly be present and last up to a few days after your first treatment. Redness is typically gone in 48 hours. Makeup may be applied the morning after your treatment. For even quicker recovery, don’t forget your custom “Recovery Kit” to significantly decrease downtime.

When will I see results?

You can expect to see results after a single treatment. Microneedling is a sought after Hollywood treatment for a variety of skincare problems including improving the overall appearance of skin. So expect to have glowing skin after the recovery period of your very first treatment.

How many treatments will I need?

We suggest completing a series of 3-5 consecutive microneedling treatments. Scheduling to come in every 3-4 weeks until desired results are achieved. A complimentary consultation should be scheduled with one of our skin care specialists before beginning treatments.

Spa Sydell Large Logo

Spa Sydell invites you to enjoy a full suite of spa services which will relax and re-energize you, including massages and facials.

To ensure that you always look as good as you feel, Spa Sydell also offers leading cosmetic treatments which include fillers, laser and injectables. Call Spa Sydell at 404-255-7727 to schedule a visit or consultation today.

Schedule A Consultation

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What Happens in a Consultation?

  • 01.

    Get to know the Spa Sydell Team

  • 02.

    Help us understand you and your goals.

  • 03.

    Learn about our services and specialties.

  • “I enjoyed my massage service thoroughly, and I will definitely make this a monthly routine.”

  • – Arisma Bacon

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